Basic Liberty Letter

"Gun Control Explained"

24 August 2011

This is an older article I wrote for a YouTube video I made last year on gun control.

Those who advocate for gun control by the government seem to be blind to a very, very fundamental concept.  What gun control advocates do not see is that each law the state passes to restrict the supply of anything that people want, whether it be guns, liquor, drugs, or gambling, represents the creation of another gun in the hands of the agency that enforces that law.

In other words, let’s say the government in City X passes a law saying that an individual can’t carry a firearm into City X. City X must then hire individuals with guns to enforce the law against other individuals carrying guns. Does this sound absurd? Meanwhile, the average, peaceful individual who wishes to carry a gun into City X for the purpose of self-defense has been legally disarmed against not only criminal individuals who illegally carry guns or other weapons, but he has also been legally disarmed against the individuals who have been hired by City X to enforce the law.

Therefore, gun control by the government NEVER represents a decrease in guns, but rather a re-distribution of guns from mostly peaceful individuals to the one agency on the planet that claims they hold a moral right to the initiation of violence. The individual, who rightly faces a wall of retribution should he or she initiate violence, is stripped of their means of self-defense, while the government and other criminals, who face a world of rewards for initiating violence, are handed more guns.

So who loses in this sad charade? The peaceful individual, of course. Who wins? Well, you probably know….

The second amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. Why, then, are governments all around the world so quick to turn a blind eye to the generally accepted covenant that an individual has a universal right to self-defense?

The answer is simple: The government does not want you to be able to defend yourself. Because if you are not able to defend yourself, then the government can pretend to be your defender. It is then able to grow its power and create the excuse that it needs to steal your wealth through taxation to hire people to become your defender. It’s not hard to see that they really don’t have any concern about your defense.

The government loves to disarm you and force you to pay to arm themselves. By doing this, they are creating a world in which they can continue to forcibly extract your wealth. How many people in the world today would pay their income tax if there was no threat of incarceration or force?  Who would voluntarily fund a police force that  literally arrests and incarcerates people for minor infractions like running a red right, smoking a cigarette in a bar, and putting too much salt in a food you serve? Who would voluntarily fund a military that engages in preemptive war against innocent civilians? Who would voluntarily fund an homeland security force that scans your naked body image and sticks hands down your pants as a condition of free travel?

So to those of you who are advocates of gun control, I urge to you try and see the consequences of what you advocate. And if you scream at me that “the government is here to protect us,” think of why governments still stand. Is it because they are a moral force for good to which people voluntarily donate their earnings? Or is the government an ancient, bloated system of slave-like control, held in place by the propaganda of patriotism and the threat of force against it’s citizens?

Please, answer this, and think twice before you say “there outta be a law.”

Thanks and peace,

Nick Foley
The Book of Nick Newsletter