Basic Liberty Letter

"Beyond 2012"

30 December 2011

2012 will probably not be a great year if you value your individual liberty, privacy, and property. Those things that are precious to your freedom have been under assault for several years now, and the attacks will only intensify.


However, 2012 will be a great year if you are a politician, a government executive, a member of the Federal Reserve, or anyone else who is protected by the violent, murderous, and seemingly ever-present arm of the state. If there was ever a time for them to continue their killing and looting, it is now. When the lights go on in the house you are robbing, you will quickly grab everything you can hold and flee as fast as you can. Thanks to modern tools like the internet, the lights are going on inside the minds of more and more people who have previously been enslaved by the vicious words of our tax-slave masters.


This is why the internet, and the communication it allows, will be a prime target. Nothing would appeal more to those who wish to control us than imposing control over our newest frontier of communication. Just like the largely anarchic freedom of America’s wild west, the government is chomping at the bit to regulate and control what is currently beyond their regulation and control, like an abusive, overbearing parent attempting to reach into the lives of a grown child who has lost their trust long ago.


In the death throes of our debt-based monetary system, wealth is being redistributed, not to the needy, not to the deserving, but to those control the guns. Since it is in the interest of the politicians to prop up the financial system before they have finished looting it, that is exactly what they will attempt to do. If that means destroying the monetary base through inflation and deflation, then so be it. If that means expanding welfare programs and starting wars that we can’t afford as a last-ditch excuse to expand the scope and power of government, then so be it. If it means poverty for those who inherit the earth, then so be it. If it means the death of thousands of innocent foreigners and the incarceration of innocent citizens within the United States, then so be it. As monstrous as that sounds, do not for a minute think that these people don’t have any sense of right and wrong. They have a flawless moral compass, as demonstrated by their ability to appeal to our sense of morality to justify the theft and murder that they actively seek to hide and marginalize in the pursuit of their ill-gotten gains. 


Having a moral compass, therefore, is much different than using it to chart your course.


But I think it’s even more important to look beyond 2012. Because no matter what happens in the years to come, it is important to keep in perspective the temporary nature of those who attempt to control others by force.


Beyond 2012, the idea of government will be ludicrous. The concept of a few people thinking they are able to regulate and control everyone else with any effectiveness will be laughable. The concept of war, of innocent casualties, of sending men to their death, will be looked upon with a sense of sadness and profound tragedy. Voting and representative democracy, no matter how qualified the candidate, would be viewed as a joke, if its results were not so tragic.


Beyond 2012, money will not be controlled by any central entity. Competition among currencies will create a product that people will want to use, rather than a counterfeit piece of fiat paper that is inflated and deflated at the whim of a violent monopoly, which people are forced to use.


Beyond 2012, there will be no gun control, but there will be very few guns. Regulation of weapons will be voluntary based on the desires of individual property owners. While people will be free to buy and carry guns mostly anywhere, it will be viewed by others as strange, since the free market has been able to prevent crime and reform criminals better than any government could ever imagine doing. 


Guns will eventually become antiques – relics to remind people of a more barbarous age when people need to defend themselves because those who were supposed to protect us (i.e. the police) continually failed.


Beyond 2012, everything will be less expensive. Without arbitrary government regulations and licensing requirements, the cost of skilled labor will plummet. The cost of factories will plummet. The cost of energy will plummet.


Beyond 2012, humanity will view child abuse on the same level as war and slavery, and not as a necessary tool to control children. More parents will take parenting seriously. Fewer parents will have children they are unprepared for. More parents will prepare for parenthood by taking classes and becoming ore educated. Fewer children will be given psychotropic drugs which hamper their mental development and potential. Beyond 2012, children will be seen has having the same rights as adults.


Beyond 2012, religion will dissolve and dissipate under the fire of reason. It will be portrayed in the history books as a means of control over people who are only curious about their origins and their future. However, it will be understood that knowledge can only be acquired by scientific investigation, and that if something like God is ever discovered, it won’t be supernatural.


Finally, beyond 2012 will bring us technological marvels that the best science fiction writers of our day can’t even imagine. When the government gets out of the way of those who innovate and produce, innovation and production will flourish like a tree that has seen sunlight for the first time. With no government for oil companies to bribe, alternative energies will be discovered. 


With no government for drug companies to bribe, healthier alternatives to damaging drugs will keep people healthier and enable them to live longer. With fewer regulations, car companies can give consumers what they want and develop faster and more efficient methods of transportation. The recent innovations in computers and electronics has been made possible because it is largely outside the sphere of government control. When the governments of the world put down their arms permanently, we will see unprecedented innovations in every sector of the economy that will grow, challenge, and unite humanity as never before.


If there is unlimited energy, we will discover it. If there is life beyond earth, we will discover it. If there is life beyond the body, we will discover it. But one thing is certain – we won’t discover it with a gun to our head, demanding our sacrifices. We won’t discover it out of duty or sacrifice. We’ll discover it – because we are free.


Happy new year,


Nick Foley
The Basic Liberty Letter